What is Allodoxaphobia?

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It is the fear of opinions. If you experience this then it may be good to stay away from some social media platforms.

Allodoxaphobia is a rare and unusual social phobia which can isolate the sufferer greatly and affect their personal and professional life.

FearOf.net gives a good explanation of the meaning behind the name as well as signs, causes and treatment.

People with fear of opinions phobia live in continuous fear and anxiety of hearing people’s opinions about them.

Like with any phobia, the individuals suffering with this phobia can feel irrational, yet they are unable to overcome it. As a result, they place many restrictions upon themselves.

The fear of opinions phobia might strike at any age and as the fear becomes deeply imbibed in their consciousness, they tend to stop answering questions or participating in any activities as they are afraid of people’s opinions and/or judgements.

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