_1 MINUTE READSFearHippo brain stuffPsychology What is Sophophobia? K J Foxhall02/09/202402/09/2024 Everyone worries about studying from time to time whether it be exams, or studying for a job alongside many other…
Hippo brain stuffNeurological topicsPsychology S is for Snooze – why we snooze our alarms K J Foxhall17/06/2024 Who doesn’t love a good snooze in the morning? I do, and if you do then read on and listen…
PsychologyWhat is your ABC Podcast P is for Progression and why do we always feel the need to Editor05/06/2024 Progression, perception, perspective and consciousness, this episode takes a high level look into why we always feel the need to…
Hippo brain stuffPsychologySociology H is for Hyperfocus, hyperfixation or hypersensitivity Editor10/05/202422/05/2024 While the three can overlap, hyperfocus, hyperfixation and hypersensitivity all have different meanings, but are not absolute by any means.…
Hippo brain stuffPsychologySociology M is for Mistake – Do we learn by our mistakes? Editor27/04/202405/06/2024 Titanic, Chernobyl, forest fires and incorrectly sized trains, mistakes happen, but the consequences differ. Do we really learn by our…
Hippo brain stuffPsychologySociology U is for Urgency. Why are we always switched on? Editor27/04/202410/05/2024 Is there too much information for us to process nowadays? Are we multitasking too much that it interferes with our…
PsychologySociologyWhat is your ABC Podcast Motivation. Where does it come from? Editor13/02/202410/05/2024 Misplaced motivation? Depressed drive? Endurance stuck on idle? Motivation is behaviour and in this episode we will briefly look at…